Bad Parenting immerses players in the unsettling story of Ron, a father facing mysterious and supernatural events within his small apartment. The legend of Mr. Red Face, a character said to reward well-behaved children, takes a sinister turn as Ron uncovers the truth behind the myth. Players must protect Ron’s family while navigating eerie occurrences and unraveling the secrets of the red-faced man. The game blends psychological tension with narrative depth, creating an experience centered on discovery and survival.
Set against the backdrop of 90s cartoon-inspired graphics, Bad Parenting combines unsettling themes with a visual style that feels both familiar and disconcerting. Players explore the apartment, encountering objects, clues, and supernatural phenomena that piece together the story. The addition of fanart exhibitions in the Steam version adds a unique interactive space where players can view artwork in a fully walkable environment. With new graphic filters and brightness adjustments, the updated version enhances both atmosphere and immersion.
Bad Parenting’s straightforward gameplay focuses on narrative progression, with players solving puzzles and facing psychological challenges. Each event builds tension as players protect the family and investigate the origins of Mr. Red Face. The short playtime of approximately 30 minutes ensures an intense and focused experience. The linear design keeps the story central while allowing room for environmental exploration and discovery.
Bad Parenting offers an engaging mix of psychological horror, storytelling, and nostalgic visuals. Its themes of protection, mystery, and the darker side of folklore create a compelling narrative. The Steam version’s enhancements bring additional depth to the game’s design and presentation. Bad Parenting invites players to delve into a compact yet memorable tale filled with suspense and emotional weight.