The game created by Karman Interactive and Joey Drew Studios Inc. called Bendy in Nightmare Run is already a familiar story to most gamers, who prefer to amuse themselves with graphically rich mobile games. This one is a continuation of Bendy and the Ink Machine, the game that became popular because of its unique style. Nightmare Run appeared on App Store and Google Play on August 15 as a free application. If you are found of the old cartoons of 20’s and 30’s as well as other vintage doodads, you will fall in love with Bendy in Nightmare Run from the first sight. Hope you do like really challenging adventures, because this game has a plenty of them. You will be running, flouncing, and trying not to land in a big trouble (however, troubles and Bendy are like two peas in a pod).
The gameplay won’t surprise you too much if you have already played other runner games on your mobile device. The only unusual thing here is that your character will be running towards you, not away from you like in most other similar video games. You may choose one of three available characters: Bendy, Alice, and Boris. There are four levels and every next one is significantly more complicated than the previous, so get ready to face the real challenge. Also, there are four bosses: Chester, Gaskette, Canoodle, and Dewey. Do your best to collect as many items on your way as you can. Don’t ignore the soup cans when running – they act as an internal game currency and make your progress faster.