Zoomomaly takes place in a once-thriving zoo that has been overrun by mysterious and hostile creatures. As a lone investigator, your mission is to uncover the cause of this infestation and stop it before it spreads further. To do so, you must collect fragmented key shards hidden throughout the zoo and assemble them into a master key. This key is the only way to access the origin of the anomalies and bring the chaos under control.
The zoo is fully open for exploration, allowing players to choose their path as they uncover its secrets. Key shards are hidden within enclosures, each guarded by unique puzzles that must be solved to progress. Roaming monsters add an element of danger, forcing players to plan their movements and avoid detection. The Bloom O’Bang device serves as both a temporary deterrent for these creatures and a tool to detect invisible dangers.
Success in Zoomomaly requires a mix of quick thinking, puzzle-solving, and tactical evasion. The randomized placement of puzzles and shards ensures that each playthrough offers a fresh experience. Players must balance exploration with caution, as the monsters cannot be permanently defeated. With its blend of open-world gameplay, brain-teasing challenges, and tense survival elements, Zoomomaly delivers a unique and unpredictable adventure.